Back when I started waiting on hold to speak to a person from the government in 2014 there used to be short breaks in the hold music when you first start holding you still have hope. So you believe that each and every short break is the magical voice you were waiting for at the other end of the line. After the first half-hour, you start getting wiser though! You start to understand they are simply baiting the hook and that the pause is for a message! It was two thousand and sixteen when for the first time they had a system's failure. After waiting for two years on hold you learn to go about your life in a normal manner, some get the blue tooth and t.v.'s others Try and find the secret locations where they can go to shorten their wait. You can buy other people's phones, people who have been holding for seven years make the most money, it had become a profession of sort's in a world where everyone waits in line to speak with the magical person who can solve all of your ...