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Showing posts with the label #Truf

Letter to the NRA: Gun's are not the problem(with sources.)

Lately, I have been looking into and reviewing the issue of "Mass Shootings" as well as "Massacres" globally. So the one commonality I have found between crimes of this nature is fluoridated water. For instance, Austria does not have Fluoridated water and has very similar gun laws to the US. They have had 2 acts of Mass Murder/Massacres in the past thirty-odd years. However, Japan, which has no gun, has had fourteen since 1989. The reason for this is iodine deficiency due to fluoridation of toothpaste and drinking water. This lead's to a great many problems, starting with developmental issues(Both from Fluoride Toxicity: and Iodine deficiency:  .). So here's what happens since Iodine chelates Fluoride, and since we consume 2.5mg of fluoride a day per person. We cause thing's like hyperthyroidism(psychotic episodes.) and hypothyroidism(M...