What I find strangely funny is simple, and that is psychology.
First let's take the world as it is.
The human mind is divided into many parts, some of which are memory, others of which are mammalian and yet still others reptilian.
The Siamese twins in this instance, are conjoined in a very particular way which specifically demonstrates at least to me the following: The thalamus, functions as a bridge between consciousness and body. My consciousness or software, tells the wetware or thalamus, to move the hardware, my human body.
That said, we have now established appropriate terminology for the human condition.
Hardware(brain function, neurology, memory, etc...).
Software(The particular organization of neurological networks, gan·gli·on connections between neurons, and memories/ experiences.)
WetWare(Specifically the Thalamus and other systems responsible for autonomic functionality of the human body.).
Physical body.(That thing we all see in the mirror.).
So the majority of these things we as people understand without much effort, it's rather simple and straight forward. We think move and run.
Here's the bit that modern psychology get's wrong. The Consciousness is a physical hallucination(this it agree's with me on.). The pineal gland, something none of us have heard very much about, produces a hallucinogen called DMT.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6088236/ (fact.)
Hence, let's suppose that the hallucinogen in the human brain is responsible for the hallucination we all experience as CONSCIOUSNESS.... Common sense kind of stuff right?
Well no, see fluoride calcifies the Pineal Gland, which limits DMT production. DMT and the physical hallucination are directly related to free will, so basically would you like free will or healthy teeth?
Essentially, for the software to use the hardware and talk to the wetware and control the physical body, you need DMT(this isn't a suggestion you ingest any, it is only to tell you that fluoride removes your ability to function, think, decreases intelligence, and reduces your critical thinking capacity. It also induces psychopathy in people who consume it over prolonged periods of time, and prevents emotions relationships and healthy social behaviors. Over a quarter of all college students today have no inner voice(I.e. healthy dental hygiene has caused them to develop into psychopaths.)).
So to all my friends out there in internet land, How's your trip going?
First let's take the world as it is.
The human mind is divided into many parts, some of which are memory, others of which are mammalian and yet still others reptilian.
The Siamese twins in this instance, are conjoined in a very particular way which specifically demonstrates at least to me the following: The thalamus, functions as a bridge between consciousness and body. My consciousness or software, tells the wetware or thalamus, to move the hardware, my human body.
That said, we have now established appropriate terminology for the human condition.
Hardware(brain function, neurology, memory, etc...).
Software(The particular organization of neurological networks, gan·gli·on connections between neurons, and memories/ experiences.)
WetWare(Specifically the Thalamus and other systems responsible for autonomic functionality of the human body.).
Physical body.(That thing we all see in the mirror.).
So the majority of these things we as people understand without much effort, it's rather simple and straight forward. We think move and run.
Here's the bit that modern psychology get's wrong. The Consciousness is a physical hallucination(this it agree's with me on.). The pineal gland, something none of us have heard very much about, produces a hallucinogen called DMT.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6088236/ (fact.)
Hence, let's suppose that the hallucinogen in the human brain is responsible for the hallucination we all experience as CONSCIOUSNESS.... Common sense kind of stuff right?
Well no, see fluoride calcifies the Pineal Gland, which limits DMT production. DMT and the physical hallucination are directly related to free will, so basically would you like free will or healthy teeth?
Essentially, for the software to use the hardware and talk to the wetware and control the physical body, you need DMT(this isn't a suggestion you ingest any, it is only to tell you that fluoride removes your ability to function, think, decreases intelligence, and reduces your critical thinking capacity. It also induces psychopathy in people who consume it over prolonged periods of time, and prevents emotions relationships and healthy social behaviors. Over a quarter of all college students today have no inner voice(I.e. healthy dental hygiene has caused them to develop into psychopaths.)).
So to all my friends out there in internet land, How's your trip going?
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