Also, fluoride causes things like Autism Spectrum Disorder ( ), especially when combined with prolonged white noise exposure( ).
Prolonged white noise exposure, without high-level fluoridation, causes Asperger's syndrome( ), I wonder why silicon valley would have prolonged exposure for children to experience white noise saturation? Or why areas with higher education levels of parents seem to correlate with Asperger's syndrome?
So the reason that prolonged white noise exposure would cause autism is because of the inflammation and dysfunction of the hippocampus( ). Now the hippocampus isn't directly responsible for the formation of new memories, however, combined with the amygdala, temporal lobe, and other regions of the brain to form 'task', 'experience', and other specific memory types ( Hence prolonged exposure to things like white noise, beyond causing inflammation causes the build-up of beta-amyloid proteins. This uses up all of the available Amyloid Protein Precursors (A.P.P. ), which in turn causes the build-up of what is known as Amyloid Plaque (
This specifically causes Alzheimer's Disease (AD) like symptoms, in particular, due to amyloid plaque build-up you end with a loss of neuro-plasticity and an associated neuro-degenerative disorder however when caused in the first years of life this causes a neurological differentiation or adaptation to preserve the majority of functionality in the human brain. I believe that increased production in D.M.T., Melatonin, a fundamental alteration of thalamic function are also likely to compensate for the childhood Alzheimer's onset and to preserve neurological functionality and neuro-plasticity. Likely associated with ASMR and a rewiring of the main neurological topology of the human brain.
Essentially the brain has specific growth stages and Asperger's, in particular, is an adaptation of a lack of functionality in the hippocampus by re-routing the connections of the brain's memory creation processes threw spatiovisual synaesthesia ( facilitated by early brain development and D.M.T.(healthy functioning pineal gland.). Essentially the brain learns this behavior to compensate for the neurodegenerative disorder( ) caused by genetic( such as trem2 protein activation and miss activation, as well as environmental factors such as white noise saturation. Without this you get normal neurological development and if you add Fluoride a psychopath.
However, the advantage of Asperger's (though I am uncertain if Autism is specifically related or treatable in the same way.) is that with proper preparation and training, someone can live a perfectly normal life with Asperger's and overcome the majority of symptoms with relative ease. Given proper education, knowledge, and training.
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